Rabu, 23 November 2011

Story of Evil

STORY of EVIL (Vocaloid)

Why would
I want to discuss about this song, because I was very impressed with these songs. Many messages as I can after seeing the video and the meaning of the lyrics. This song really makes me thrilled and cried every time I saw it (-__-||). The title track is actually not a Story of Evil, it's just a nickname from me because of the song consists of 4 songs. if the story of evil is only an instrument track, from the tired always mention all the song titles, so I had better short story of evil. Now we just discuss the songs.

Story of Evil consisting of four songs

- Daugther of Evil [I no musume]
- Servant of Evil [I no meshitsukai]
- Regret Message [Riguretto messeji]
- Daugther of White [Haku no Musume]

Kagamine Vocaloid singers brothers
  Rin and Len

I will discuss his first song before
because if I discuss it at once so my posting will be very long this time
membainya so I'll divide it into several posts, smoga all want to read it: 3

Daugther of Evil

Yellow tells the story of an evil nation led by a 14-year-old girl (Kagamine Rin). The kingdom is very bad. The princess is very selfish and always impose its will, all the wishes must be obeyed. he has a loyal servant (Len Kagamine) he is his twin brother. Len always execute the request of Rin. Rin is very bad, to satisfy his desire she was oppressing innocent people and he did so with an innocent face.

Once Rin falls cintah with blue prince of the country side (Kaito). But Kaito already have a boyfriend, girlfriend is the daughter of green (Hatsune Miku) a good heart. Rin jealous of Miku, until akhirya she whispered to Len to get rid of it. Rin request this one is outrageous but Len still carry it out. Negri Green was hit by the destruction and Princess Miku killed. He was satisfied with it, but the country's citizens angry with his actions. Yellow Negri was attacked, the waiter had to flee so that only the princess that without resistance Rin. They arrested him and imprisoned him until he reached the day where it will be implementation of the death penalty for Rin. Before dying Rin said the words he always said "Ara, oyatsu no jikan Dawa" (ah, it's time to eat a snack). All else think this guy bad, he deserves to be punished. among the crowd were there the waitress who can only cry and sorry to see the princess punished.

The message that I can now see and hear this song is

"We must not be selfish and impose the will. Because of our ego and greed will only make the pain and sorrow for others and bring disaster and remorse for yourself"

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